Destiny Year 1 vs. Year 2: A Bros’ evaluation of Exotics

WHAT UP INTERNET?! One subject your boy tends to touch on quite frequently is a little video game by the name of Destiny­-perhaps you’ve heard of it? Lord knows if you’ve swung by this humble Bro blog on at least one occasion, odds are you’ve seen a post related to Destiny splashed across the homepage.Continue reading “Destiny Year 1 vs. Year 2: A Bros’ evaluation of Exotics”

Destiny: The Taken King- 1ups and Buzzkills

WHAT UP INTERNET?! I’m willing to bet I’ve spent more time in Destiny than any other game I’ve ever played before-although I know this is a quantifiable measurement, before in-game stat tracking was as advanced as it is today, I played a bunch of video games. That being said, frequenters of this blog know thisContinue reading “Destiny: The Taken King- 1ups and Buzzkills”

Destiny: The Taken King Quick Review

WHAT UP INTERNET?! As frequenters of this blog know, I’ve been critical of changes implemented to the world of Destiny throughout its inaugural year-but there’s no doubt all the criticism comes from a place of love. At its core, Destiny is a shooter with damn-near perfect mechanics, and this coupled with developer Bungie’s outstanding pedigreeContinue reading “Destiny: The Taken King Quick Review”

runDisney: Walt Disney World Marathon Training Essentials

WHAT UP INTERNET?! Taken aback by the title of this particular post, Bros? I’ll admit-it looks a bit funny to me. Yesterday I was sitting with my partner-in-crime and vehemently declared: “I could run a marathon.” So I signed up and in just a few short months I’ll be attempting to run a full marathon….havingContinue reading “runDisney: Walt Disney World Marathon Training Essentials”

#RTX 2015 Photo Recap

WHAT UP INTERNET?! RTX 2014 was a great time, and it was at that inaugural (for us as a duo) Con your boys decided to start up this whole crazy TruBros experiment. This past weekend was RTX 2015 and there’s no way in hell your boy was going to let that pass by without hittingContinue reading “#RTX 2015 Photo Recap”

Destiny’s House of Wolves Quick Review

WHAT UP INTERNET?! Every time I think I’m free, they rope me back in…. The latest expansion for Destiny dropped last week and despite my concentrated efforts to finally put down the controller and walk away from the game, I opted to give Destiny another chance. Like many other Bros I was intrigued when combingContinue reading “Destiny’s House of Wolves Quick Review”

#ConLife Essentials

WHAT UP INTERNET?! As all visitors to this site are aware, the Bros are all about living that #ConLife. So long as the convention is related to one of the many aspects of #NerdLife (Comics, Film, Television, Video Games, whatever) you can bet the Bros are dying to attend….whether funds allow our desires to comeContinue reading “#ConLife Essentials”

#BroThoughts: Done With Destiny

WHAT UP INTERNET? As the Holiday season rapidly draws near I’ve already received a big fat lump of coal from the folks over at Bungie. I’ve spent approximately 240 hours thus far pushing back the darkness in Destiny and I’ve developed a bit of a love/hate relationship with the game, as I’m sure many ofContinue reading “#BroThoughts: Done With Destiny”

#BroThoughts: Destiny’s “The Dark Below” expansion

WHAT UP INTERNET? I spent the better part of last night plowing through the new expansion for Destiny, “The Dark Below.” Your Bro has spent way too much time repelling the darkness (or whatever it is you do in that game) so needless to say I was substantially hyped for the expansion’s release. Since IContinue reading “#BroThoughts: Destiny’s “The Dark Below” expansion”

Destiny’s “The Dark Below” Expansion Quick Review

WHAT UP INTERNET? I spent the better part of last night plowing through the new expansion for Destiny, “The Dark Below.” Your Bro has spent way too much time repelling the darkness (or whatever it is you do in that game) so needless to say I was substantially hyped for the expansion’s release. Since IContinue reading “Destiny’s “The Dark Below” Expansion Quick Review”