Destiny Year 1 vs. Year 2: A Bros’ evaluation of Exotics

WHAT UP INTERNET?! One subject your boy tends to touch on quite frequently is a little video game by the name of Destiny­-perhaps you’ve heard of it? Lord knows if you’ve swung by this humble Bro blog on at least one occasion, odds are you’ve seen a post related to Destiny splashed across the homepage.Continue reading “Destiny Year 1 vs. Year 2: A Bros’ evaluation of Exotics”

#RTX 2015 Photo Recap

WHAT UP INTERNET?! RTX 2014 was a great time, and it was at that inaugural (for us as a duo) Con your boys decided to start up this whole crazy TruBros experiment. This past weekend was RTX 2015 and there’s no way in hell your boy was going to let that pass by without hittingContinue reading “#RTX 2015 Photo Recap”