SXSW 2016: Fader Arcade and Fader Fort Wrap-Up

WHAT UP INTERNET?! If you’re hitting up SXSW and you’re interested in music, you’ve got to hit up the Fader Fort put on by the good folks over at The Fader and Converse. Once the RSVPs begin to trickle in for SXSW, the two most important ones to secure are the Fader Fort and HypeContinue reading “SXSW 2016: Fader Arcade and Fader Fort Wrap-Up”

SXSW 2016: Hype Hotel Wrap-Up

WHAT UP INTERNET?! Once the music portion of SXSW begins, there are two events all attendees know are going to be good for great drinks and gnarly performances, the first of which I’m going to cover here. The Hype Hotel is synonymous with SXSW Music for good reason-not only do they have well-known performers headlineContinue reading “SXSW 2016: Hype Hotel Wrap-Up”

SXSW 2016: Spotify House Wrap-Up

WHAT UP INTERNET?! One of my absolute favorite events of SXSW is the Spotify House. This is a weeklong music showcase put on by the good folks over at Spotify, and while they typically have heavy-hitting headlines they also have smaller artists you might not be as familiar with…at least if you’re like me andContinue reading “SXSW 2016: Spotify House Wrap-Up”

SXSW 2016: Gaming Expo (and bonus stuff) Wrap-Up

WHAT UP INTERNET?! As y’all very well know by now from the deluge of posts flooding this here blog, my Twitter and Instagram, this bro has spent the last week living it up experiencing all SXSW 2016 has to offer. Beginning with Interactive last week-which brought personal favorites like the Mashable House to town-and endingContinue reading “SXSW 2016: Gaming Expo (and bonus stuff) Wrap-Up”

Lucha Underground: Austin Warfare Recap

WHAT UP INTERNET?!   If you’re into wrestling-even passively-and you aren’t watching Lucha Underground on the El Rey network, you need to rectify that immediately. I believe I’m a lifelong fan of the good ol’ rasslin’ business and I grew up during the constantly-referenced ‘attitude era.’ That being said, I’ve no qualms proclaiming Lucha UndergroundContinue reading “Lucha Underground: Austin Warfare Recap”

SXSW Tips for Non-Badge Holders

WHAT UP INTERNET?! Currently, the lovely city of Austin, Texas has been overtaken by the annual SXSW Festival. This nearly week and a half long festival encompasses a large portion of the downtown metropolitan area, and covers everything from music, tech gadgets and software, movies, video games and all types of business. I’ve refrained fromContinue reading “SXSW Tips for Non-Badge Holders”

#ConLife Essentials

WHAT UP INTERNET?! As all visitors to this site are aware, the Bros are all about living that #ConLife. So long as the convention is related to one of the many aspects of #NerdLife (Comics, Film, Television, Video Games, whatever) you can bet the Bros are dying to attend….whether funds allow our desires to comeContinue reading “#ConLife Essentials”