Destiny: The Taken King Quick Review

WHAT UP INTERNET?! As frequenters of this blog know, I’ve been critical of changes implemented to the world of Destiny throughout its inaugural year-but there’s no doubt all the criticism comes from a place of love. At its core, Destiny is a shooter with damn-near perfect mechanics, and this coupled with developer Bungie’s outstanding pedigreeContinue reading “Destiny: The Taken King Quick Review”

#BroThoughts: Done With Destiny

WHAT UP INTERNET? As the Holiday season rapidly draws near I’ve already received a big fat lump of coal from the folks over at Bungie. I’ve spent approximately 240 hours thus far pushing back the darkness in Destiny and I’ve developed a bit of a love/hate relationship with the game, as I’m sure many ofContinue reading “#BroThoughts: Done With Destiny”